He was in love with his best friend’s sister. He was in love with Kinley Masterson.
And he was in hell.
Parker Cruz pretty much had it made. Coming from basically nothing, he was at the height of his career and was now one of the best baseball players in the major leagues. He was raking in the millions just to play the game that had always been his passion. He was living the dream and could have anything he wanted.
Except Kinley Masterson.
Kinley always knew her camera would take her places someday. She was exactly where she wanted to be in her professional life, but her personal life…that was a long story. Because she always imagined that she’d see all of those places and share in those experiences with someone she loved. Someone she fell for a long time ago and someone who had crushed her heart and left her broken and crying in his wake. Parker Cruz. She had loved him forever and the one summer they had together was magic…before he took off for Boston and acted like she’d never meant anything to him.
Parker knew he’d screwed it up bad with Kinley and he didn’t blame her for hating him. But what he thought had been the right decision at the time turned out to be the worst mistake he had ever made. And now he was determined to win her back. He was going to make her fall in love with him again and nothing and no one was going to stand in his way. Not even Kinley.

With death came new life.
She was my new life.
And I would never be able to let her go.
Social work was never an easy job but somebody had to do it. Fortunately for Sage Tucker, she wanted to do it. Day in and day out she saw kids who reminded her of her past and she needed to do everything in her power to give them the help that she never received when she was young. The more kids she helped, the more layers she thought she could shed of her dark childhood. But nothing ever worked. She was haunted by her memories, consumed by her anger. She slowly felt herself slipping further down into a hole, one she didn’t know if she would ever escape from.
Art made sense to Mason Cruz. Keeping his hands busy was his therapy. Being able to do both at his auto body shop was his sanctuary. Despite everything he had to overcome in his life, he had finally made something of himself and was where he wanted to be professionally. With every car he painted and every motorcycle he restored, he could keep the demons inside his head at bay. He just wished he was as good at repairing his soul as he was at repairing vintage fenders.
Sage had never felt so exposed than when she was around the smooth and charming Mason. Talking to him made her feel like she was under a microscope, but maybe that was exactly what she needed. Nobody had ever wanted to understand her like he did. Nobody had ever cared enough to ask and she had never cared to share.
And now she knew why.
Because she knew that whenever Mason learned everything about her, heard all of her darkest secrets, he would never want to look at her again.

Mickie is his. Always had been his.
And he’s going to remind her why she always will be his.
All her life, Mickie had always been the focused, level-headed girl. But when she got to college, she was ready to strip herself of that image once and for all. She wanted excitement. She wanted spontaneity. She wanted to feel like she was actually living.
And getting down and dirty with the sexy guy she met at a concert seemed like the perfect solution. Sure, he didn’t know how to laugh, or even smile, but he definitely made her feel alive.
The whirlwind sex spree with him surprised her.
Falling in love with the guy surprised her even more.
Dawson is losing her.
Mickie kicked him out of their house. She won’t talk to him. He knows marriage is never supposed to be easy, but being a dedicated cop for ten years has made everything that much harder. He doesn’t know how to fix their issues and make everything right.
But he isn’t about to let her go.
She says she wants the excitement back. She wants the spontaneity that first drew them together. She wants to experience the adventure of falling in love all over again.
Her wish is his command.
He’s going to remind her what it feels like to be loved, to be wanted, to be craved. If he has to, he’ll strip everything else away and start from scratch with her. He will never give up.
Because for him, it was Always Mickie.